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New Subcontractor Ranking/Rating/Review system
Wednesday, August 01 2007 @ 22:44:16 EDT by squidboy (44 reads)
Reviews and AnalysisOne thing you've probably noticed going through this site is that there is a big focus on the actual construction process and not as much of a focus on the subs specifically. However, a lot of you have wanted more details about the subs themselves. A lot of you have asked me over the years, "How did you like this sub or that sub and would you go with them again?" After finding myself cutting and pasting my responses from old emails one too many times, I finally figured out that it would be much easier to create a whole new section on the website that specifically dealt with ranking and rating a subcontractor's performance and have all the information in one place for everyone to be able to access.

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Some additional subcontractor perspective
Wednesday, June 06 2007 @ 01:28:13 EDT by squidboy (481 reads)
ConstructionI was fortunate to get some additional insight from another subcontractor - this time a pool plumber from Arizona. Chad has been around the plumbing business for the past 12 years and he currently works with a few select custom pool builders. However, about 80% of his work comes from O/Bs.

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California subcontractors added to list!
Monday, April 23 2007 @ 02:15:44 EDT by squidboy (307 reads)
News and UpdatesI've been getting a ton of email from folks from California who have been wanting a piece of the O/B action. I've been slowly collecting subcontractor contact information over the years for the readers in CA. Well, I finally added them to Other Subcontractors part of the website.

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A Subcontractor's perspective
Sunday, April 22 2007 @ 00:00:00 EDT by squidboy (1541 reads)
ConstructionI recently had a conversation with Greg, an excavation subcontractor from Riverside, CA. Greg does work for over a dozen different pool builders, but an increasing portion of his business is coming from owner/builders. He digs around 40 pools a year and has been at it for about 8 years. It was an interesting conversation as I was able to get some insight and perspective from the "other side."

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5th Owner Builder story up
Thursday, March 29 2007 @ 02:51:32 EDT by squidboy (1653 reads)
News and UpdatesIts been awhile, but I finally got around to getting another OB story up. MB is also from Chandler, AZ so we are neighbors of sorts. A lot of you will really be interested in MB's story because many of you have written to me asking, "Ben, prices have gone up since you built your pool - what is the current cost TODAY for building a pool as an owner/builder?"

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How to obtain your Plot Plan information
Thursday, September 22 2005 @ 00:00:00 EDT by squidboy (5190 reads)
City Permits, Barrier, and Zoning InfoIn most cities, an accurate plot plan is required as a part of the necessary paperwork in order to apply for a pool building permit. Sometimes, it can be difficult to obtain a copy of the builder's plot plan for your house unless you are the original homeowner. For all of you aspiring owner/builders who live in Maricopa County (Arizona), there's good news.

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City information updated
Sunday, September 18 2005 @ 00:00:00 EDT by squidboy (2144 reads)
City Permits, Barrier, and Zoning InfoNow that the weather in Arizona has started to cool down a bit, so has some of the pool building frenzy that started back in the spring. As an owner/builder, this is the time that you should be starting to get organized: doing the planning and designing in anticipation of going into full construction mode by late fall / early winter.

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Still afraid to get started? Read on ...
Thursday, August 11 2005 @ 02:54:53 EDT by squidboy (6608 reads)
ProcessI've been getting a lot of email recently from folks who are intrigued with the idea of going the owner/builder route, but still don't have quite enough "momentum" yet to take the plunge. If you're in that category, you'll want to read on ...

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As promised - the 4th Owner/Builder Story is up
Monday, June 06 2005 @ 05:04:34 EDT by squidboy (6651 reads)
News and UpdatesAll the gory details of the 4th Owner/Builder story is written up and its chockful of details that I hope you will find fascinating and informative. I've included six (count 'em) pool design drawings from his project in addition to ...

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Teaser for 4th Owner/Builder Story
Thursday, June 02 2005 @ 02:01:00 EDT by squidboy (5426 reads)
News and UpdatesEvery once in a while, I'll have a reader email me some photos of their completed pool project that makes my jaw hit the floor. Check out what MM from Riverside, CA completed earlier this year in time for his SuperBowl Sunday party 2005 ...

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3rd Owner/Builder story up
Sunday, July 18 2004 @ 23:07:09 EDT by squidboy (5013 reads)
News and UpdatesJZ actually finished up his pool back in April, but I've been too busy to follow-up. I finally got around to visiting him last Friday and what I saw was spectacular ...

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Another Owner/Builder story up
Tuesday, July 06 2004 @ 03:43:27 EDT by squidboy (3193 reads)
News and UpdatesI've been trying to play catchup on the stories that are starting to pile up on my desk. I don't know if I'll ever gain ground on them. Oh well ...

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New Section Added: Other Owner/Builder Stories
Thursday, June 03 2004 @ 03:13:42 EDT by squidboy (3167 reads)
News and UpdatesHere's a section that I've been wanting to add for a long time now: stories on other people who have gone the Owner/Builder route and have lived to tell about it ...

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Why you shouldn't build your own pool ...
Saturday, May 15 2004 @ 12:28:16 EDT by squidboy (9323 reads)
News and UpdatesWhy shouldn't you? What are the legitimate downsides of building your own pool as an owner/builder? There are two sides to every story. Here are the potential pitfalls ...

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Why you should build your own pool ...
Saturday, May 15 2004 @ 12:20:46 EDT by squidboy (5935 reads)
News and UpdatesWhy should you? What are the benefits of acting as the GC as an owner/builder? Is it worth the effort? Here's the bottom line ...

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