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Build Your Own Pool | How I Built My Own Swimming Pool | How To Build Your Own Swimming Pool
This website is dedicated to homeowners just like yourself who are interested in building your own In-ground Gunite (IG) swimming pool. In Phoenix, Arizona, Owner/Builders as a group are the 3rd largest group of pool builders behind Shasta Pools (#1) and Paddock Pools (#2). What does it take to build your own pool? Well, on this website, you'll find out why so many homeowners are bypassing the traditional way of hiring a professional pool builder and going the Owner/Builder route instead.
Situs daftar togel terpercaya tidak akan pernah memaksa pemain untuk terus bermain atau melakukan deposit besar. Mereka menghormati keputusan pemain dan tidak menggunakan taktik manipulatif. Ini menunjukkan komitmen mereka terhadap permainan yang adil dan etis.

I'm a homeowner just like you who was looking to have a pool built by a professional. After much research, I discovered that I wasn't getting the kind of pool value that I thought I could get. And thats where my story begins. This website chronicles my discovery of an amazing alternative: the Owner/Builder option of building a pool. It documents my journey of finding out everything there is to know about subcontracting out a pool as an Owner/Builder. Here are some pics of the finished product.
Maybe you've wandered onto this website after hearing about people who have contracted out their own pool and have done so successfully. Your curiosity is piqued because of the thousands of dollars you've heard that you can save, but you're unsure if this is the option for you. You''re unsure of whether or not you can cut it acting as the General Contractor. Well, you've come to the right place.
Dengan cara dari situs togel terpercaya ini, pemain dapat merasakan keyakinan penuh saat menikmati permainan. Selain itu, kolaborasi ini memperkuat kredibilitas agen, menambah lapisan kepercayaan dan reputasi yang solid dalam industri taruhan.
On this website, you will find tons of information on pricing out your pool, the features and options to consider, how to break down a pool builder's ad to see what you are really getting and how much you are paying for it. You'll also find practical tips on how to design your own pool and the necessary things you'll need to include in your pool drawing when you send it in for bids.
You will see in detail each of the various trades involved with subcontracting out a pool project, how each trade is performed, and what is involved with being the General Contractor as an Owner/Builder. It also goes in depth into other aspects of the project like the overall process, the financials, the plans, and a lot, lot more!
Before you dive into the site, however, please take some time to read the Terms of Use policy, as it affects your legal rights.
With that out of the way, there are a couple of different ways that you can use this site. You can jump around and click on the topic of interest to you - reading each section as an independent piece - or you can read the whole sordid tale in sequential order like a narrative (at the end of each section, click on the link that takes you to the next section. You'll go through my whole project in sequential order doing it that way). If you choose to do the latter, you can start here with the Introduction.
Interview with Angie, a Project Manager from Orlando FL
Monday, September 21 2009 @ 01:48:25 EDT by squidboy (18697 reads) |
As the reach of this website continues to grow further and further beyond AZ, I continually meet new and interesting people from different places in the US who love to talk about pool construction in their region. Earlier this year, I had a chance to talk to Angela from Orlando, Florida. She has been involved in the pool construction industry as a Project Manager/Superintendent for the last 8 years and working with pools in general for the last 16 years.
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Looking for more Pool Consultants / Pool Inspectors
Tuesday, June 24 2008 @ 03:01:55 EDT by squidboy (10586 reads) |
By and far the most sought after sub from the AZ readers of this website has been Mike, my layout guy. And its not just because he provides fantastic layout services. He also acts as a pool consultant who is willing to come on site and provide workmanship and quality inspections for each sub's work for a reasonable fee. This is a service that many home owners have many AZ O/Bs have come to depend upon to insure that the quality of a subcontractor's work is up to par.
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Houston, TX Subcontractors now available!
Monday, June 23 2008 @ 01:59:07 EDT by squidboy (16875 reads) |
I've been seeing a steady increase of requests for subs in Houston and other parts of TX recently, so I finally decided to gather up all the information I had and put it on the website.
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The ''Rule of 45''
Sunday, June 08 2008 @ 21:31:30 EDT by squidboy (42474 reads) |
The Rule of 45 is a technical term used in physics and has a very practical application in Structural Engineering as it pertains to swimming pool construction. For all you homeowners interested in contracting out your own pool, you would do well to understand not only how its used but a little bit of the background as well.
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More good news if you are still on the fence ...
Saturday, January 26 2008 @ 20:17:14 EST by squidboy (18250 reads) |
I had a chance to sit down this week with one of my former subcontractors to talk about a wide variety of topics concerning swimming pools. Mike was my layout person, but he has been around the pool industry since 1983, so his knowledge about the business and the industry is very extensive and wide-reaching. I hired him for only one phase of my pool project, but I found out that he does much much more for owner/builders.
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Owner/Builder #6 - PB from Chandler, AZ
Monday, September 03 2007 @ 13:44:50 EDT by squidboy (19665 reads) |
PB was a reader who sent a brief email to me about his completed project last month. I couldn't turn his email into a full story as he didn't provide a lot of details. However, he did provide a summary of his project that I thought would still be highly useful to the rest of you.
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New Subcontractor Ranking/Rating/Review system
Wednesday, August 01 2007 @ 22:44:16 EDT by squidboy (12685 reads) |
One thing you've probably noticed going through this site is that there is a big focus on the actual construction process and not as much of a focus on the subs specifically. However, a lot of you have wanted more details about the subs themselves. A lot of you have asked me over the years, "How did you like this sub or that sub and would you go with them again?" After finding myself cutting and pasting my responses from old emails one too many times, I finally figured out that it would be much easier to create a whole new section on the website that specifically dealt with ranking and rating a subcontractor's performance and have all the information in one place for everyone to be able to access.
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Some additional subcontractor perspective
Wednesday, June 06 2007 @ 01:28:13 EDT by squidboy (11577 reads) |
I was fortunate to get some additional insight from another subcontractor - this time a pool plumber from Arizona. Chad has been around the plumbing business for the past 12 years and he currently works with a few select custom pool builders. However, about 80% of his work comes from O/Bs.
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California subcontractors added to list!
Monday, April 23 2007 @ 02:15:44 EDT by squidboy (9148 reads) |
I've been getting a ton of email from folks from California who have been wanting a piece of the O/B action. I've been slowly collecting subcontractor contact information over the years for the readers in CA. Well, I finally added them to Other Subcontractors part of the website.
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A Subcontractor's perspective
Sunday, April 22 2007 @ 00:00:00 EDT by squidboy (25379 reads) |
I recently had a conversation with Greg, an excavation subcontractor from Riverside, CA. Greg does work for over a dozen different pool builders, but an increasing portion of his business is coming from owner/builders. He digs around 40 pools a year and has been at it for about 8 years. It was an interesting conversation as I was able to get some insight and perspective from the "other side."
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5th Owner Builder story up
Thursday, March 29 2007 @ 02:51:32 EDT by squidboy (28764 reads) |
Its been awhile, but I finally got around to getting another OB story up. MB is also from Chandler, AZ so we are neighbors of sorts. A lot of you will really be interested in MB's story because many of you have written to me asking, "Ben, prices have gone up since you built your pool - what is the current cost TODAY for building a pool as an owner/builder?"
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How to obtain your Plot Plan information
Thursday, September 22 2005 @ 00:00:00 EDT by squidboy (43299 reads) |
In most cities, an accurate plot plan is required as a part of the necessary paperwork in order to apply for a pool building permit. Sometimes, it can be difficult to obtain a copy of the builder's plot plan for your house unless you are the original homeowner. For all of you aspiring owner/builders who live in Maricopa County (Arizona), there's good news.
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City information updated
Sunday, September 18 2005 @ 00:00:00 EDT by squidboy (11578 reads) |
Now that the weather in Arizona has started to cool down a bit, so has some of the pool building frenzy that started back in the spring. As an owner/builder, this is the time that you should be starting to get organized: doing the planning and designing in anticipation of going into full construction mode by late fall / early winter.
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Still afraid to get started? Read on ...
Thursday, August 11 2005 @ 02:54:53 EDT by squidboy (28114 reads) |
I've been getting a lot of email recently from folks who are intrigued with the idea of going the owner/builder route, but still don't have quite enough "momentum" yet to take the plunge. If you're in that category, you'll want to read on ...
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As promised - the 4th Owner/Builder Story is up
Monday, June 06 2005 @ 05:04:34 EDT by squidboy (20023 reads) |
All the gory details of the 4th Owner/Builder story is written up and its chockful of details that I hope you will find fascinating and informative. I've included six (count 'em) pool design drawings from his project in addition to ...
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Teaser for 4th Owner/Builder Story
Thursday, June 02 2005 @ 02:01:00 EDT by squidboy (18730 reads) |
Every once in a while, I'll have a reader email me some photos of their completed pool project that makes my jaw hit the floor. Check out what MM from Riverside, CA completed earlier this year in time for his SuperBowl Sunday party 2005 ...
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3rd Owner/Builder story up
Sunday, July 18 2004 @ 23:07:09 EDT by squidboy (17566 reads) |
JZ actually finished up his pool back in April, but I've been too busy to follow-up. I finally got around to visiting him last Friday and what I saw was spectacular ...
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Another Owner/Builder story up
Tuesday, July 06 2004 @ 03:43:27 EDT by squidboy (11201 reads) |
I've been trying to play catchup on the stories that are starting to pile up on my desk. I don't know if I'll ever gain ground on them. Oh well ...
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New Section Added: Other Owner/Builder Stories
Thursday, June 03 2004 @ 03:13:42 EDT by squidboy (11202 reads) |
Here's a section that I've been wanting to add for a long time now: stories on other people who have gone the Owner/Builder route and have lived to tell about it ...
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Why you shouldn't build your own pool ...
Saturday, May 15 2004 @ 12:28:16 EDT by squidboy (31401 reads) |
Why shouldn't you? What are the legitimate downsides of building your own pool as an owner/builder? There are two sides to every story. Here are the potential pitfalls ...
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Why you should build your own pool ...
Saturday, May 15 2004 @ 12:20:46 EDT by squidboy (23845 reads) |
Why should you? What are the benefits of acting as the GC as an owner/builder? Is it worth the effort? Here's the bottom line ...
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Welcome to the New and Improved ''How I Built My Own Swimming Pool'' website!
Saturday, May 15 2004 @ 11:50:00 EDT by squidboy (18421 reads) |
Well, its been over a year since I promised to update the site, but its finally come to fruition! Welcome (back) to the new and improved website that I promised so long ago.
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